Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reorganizing and refocusing

It's been quite some time since our last post but while the work of the  Jesse Higginbotham Technology Trust and Mindtriggerz has continued, I've simply failed at keeping things up to date online. Look for changes to our website in the coming weeks at and soon a new blog that will incorporate news and updates concerning all the work we do in Jesse's name and honor.

For the moment, a few briefs:
  • To date, 77 families have been served in Lexington - completing required training and receiving a free Mindtriggerz computer
  • Directors of the Jesse Higginbotham Technology Trust have increased as has our desire to operate in a more formalized manner
  • Dunbar High School in Lexington recently created a new Media Lab in Jesse's name and honor and while the Trust was not involved in this project, we are glad to see members of his school community recognize his contributions with this dedication. 
  • Plans are underway for our District Council Member to have the Cardinal Valley Park Shelter renamed  for Jesse - the Mindtriggerz Training Lab is now the most frequent user of this facility.
Please continue to visit the website and keep apprised of what's new. We have a current need for a few supplies and will be again asking our community to donate in any way they are able. At present we are seeking working computer speakers (external units with volume control knobs and power adaptors), surge protectors, and of course, the always-appreciated monetary donation.

The Mindtriggerz Training Lab is open each Saturday until mid-May - work will begin again at the Dunbar Memorial Garden in the Spring. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to work with us in any capacity.

Jesse's Mom